Hi Cougar Families.  Would you please ensure to give this message your attention before sending your child to school on Monday!

As noted in last week’s message, planning for the solar eclipse has been in the works for several years, including the work of donors, committees and organizers who’ve made it possible for all students in the District of Carleton North to hear Chris Hadfield speak. This means our school day on Monday will look very different than usual. We need your cooperation with the following: 

– Monday is a half day for students.  Shortly after our arrival routine, we will be ensuring students have made bathroom trips and then will be loading buses to travel to Carleton North for the Chris Hadfield event.  We will return from CNHS in time to let students have bathroom access again before boarding the departure buses at 11:30. It is critical that we know your child’s end of day routine and if it is not their usual Monday end of day routine, we need to know by 8:30 am.  Please write the note in the agenda or send an email first thing Monday morning. If you child has an appointment Monday, please note that we will not be at CCS between 8:40 and 11:00 as we will be off site. 

– Our learning for the day is going to hear the guest at Carleton North. No students will remain at school. We will be seated on the gym floor. We know that Cougars are great ambassadors of our school and Cougar Traits, and we expect that all students will have a learning mindset for Monday. Students are expected to conduct themselves respectfully and all regular school expectations apply. They need to be prepared to take direction from any adult in charge as there will be students from 6 schools at the event.  It’s a best behaviour day. I do expect it will be a GREAT day with fun and their cooperation to be great Cougars is appreciated.  

– No photos or video can be taken.  Sometimes students struggle with this provincial school rule that they are not to take photos and video at school, but there is no debate for this event. In addition to this being a CCS rule, this is part of the contract with Chris Hadfield’s team that only the hired staff may do any recording visually or of sound.  Please reinforce this expectation with your child. It’s only a half day, so leaving the phone home for the day is our preference but they may also leave them here at CCS when we board buses.  Devices are not permitted during class time at CCS or CNHS, so no student devices should be visible at any time during our outing to CNHS. Please do not call or text your child during the school day Monday. You may call the school and leave any message with Mrs. McIntosh. 

– We need to keep the school yard open for bus traffic and for staff departure. We need to discourage any eclipse followers from thinking our school grounds is a public place to park, so we will be putting up pylons and barriers to the school entrances.  Please avoid traffic to CCS on Monday other than for regular drop off and pick-up. 

– Students do not need to bring a lunch on Monday as they will be dismissed at 11:30.  

Thank you for your help with these details!

And if you are still wondering what the eclipse is about . . . 

Eclipse begins around 3:22 pm. Totality begins at 4:33 pm for 3 minutes, 20 seconds (=/- 5 seconds depending on location). It will be dark and mysterious. Then the moon will move off and the whole thing will be done by 5:41 pm but most people don’t watch much past totality because they are mesmerized by what they witnessed during totality.

Temperatures will drop 10 degrees or more when the sun is covered so layer up.

Just before totality people will witness Baily’s beads, the diamond ring, then the sun’s corona which is MAGNIFICANT and MAGICAL!! Planets and stars will be visible AND there is a comet P12 coming into view during totality for an added bonus! THIS WILL BE EPIC!

Make sure you take time to ENJOY these incredibly special moments and keep praying for great weather on Monday!

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